Wednesday 21 January 2015

App Developer Day 8

So like... the listpicker1 block it wasnt ment to be AddressForMapText but actually is AddressForMapLabel. Switch it around and made it work.
The App works after that little fix, as you can see.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

App Developer Day 7 *Update*

Found it.

App Developer Day 7

So... im having problems finding the "Call (Show Map) " block and the emulator is not popping up so... next time ill have to check this out in further detail later.

Monday 19 January 2015

App developer Day 6

So far im trying a few things in the app developer im trying to make a Google map that can pick up your location and can find places where you want to go. So far im having difficulties finding the blocks that are meant to be placed on a few of these blocks.

Friday 16 January 2015

App Developer Day 5

So i finished making the mole mash app, i used a picture of a tiger, the link is here. I also had to use Photoshop to make the picture to 50 pixel by 50 pixel. The only trouble i had would be making the picture smaller with Photoshop.

Thursday 15 January 2015

App developer day 4

i didn't know we had to switch pictures so i had to come back and try it again. i was successful in making it switch.i also had to search up a sound of my own so i had to go to a website and download it from the link.


Wednesday 14 January 2015

App developer day 3

 I finished part 1 of the tutorial to start on the painting app, so far the only obstacle i had would be to make the labels appear fully.
Part 1

For the next part i can add different sizes of dots and it actually works. the problem i had in today's work would be again making the texts visible.

part 2

Tuesday 13 January 2015

App Developer Day 2

I finally got the emulator working, though it took me awhile to make it work. i had to refresh my browser a few times to make it new. However the picture made bubbly sounds. i believe i made an impact on today's work. For tomorrow ill start on Paint pot,

Monday 12 January 2015

App Developer Day 1

So far, i started on making an app. Everything was fairly easy, however i cannot connect to the emulator. For the sounds, i chose "Bubbles" and of course, i chose a couple of bubbles in a picture. Tomorrow ill start on getting the emulator started up.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Robocraft Day 3 part 2

Alright, alright. ill call this Project Wall, so far ive gotten 2 kills, TWO kills. Well, for me that is a lot because i never topped 1 kill so yeah big thing.

Robocraft Day 3 part 1

OK. i believe that if i place a lot of turrets in the front and cover the wheels would make my life better, sadly i got blown up on my first try...

Thursday 8 January 2015

Day 2 part 1

So, since my last project was destroyed pretty easily i decided to make a new type of project. I call it Project X1, it has a bigger surface area and it has towers that shoots from tower down.
Attempt 1: Spawned-went up a hill- 1 kill
Attempt 2: Spawned- went through a bridge-no kill- 1/4 surface area left 1/8 turrets.
Attempt 3: there are no attempts on 3, i made a house after that.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Robocraft Day 1 part 2

Alright. Since i did not know that the place i was heading towards was a war zone. First attempt: went full speed ahead, then i got flipped by a car going way, way faster than i am. I was so saddened by the fact that i got flipped by own comrade, i self-destruct. Second attempt: got two turrets on my car and went inside the battlefield. drove upon a bridge to see an enemy car, thought i was tough enough to destroy a car. Little did i know he aimed for both my turret guns, that left me defenseless for the whole match. I ran. 10 seconds later, game ended. Quite happy i survived without getting my car flipped but i realized two turrets were not enough.

Robocraft day 1 Part 1

Ok, so, i tried out Robocraft and i think i did a good job starting out building my own car.Though I'm not sure how well it will turn out.

Minecraft missing presents Part 2

Ok so i found presents 1, 2 and 3. I also placed a sapling, then later it became a tree (Not sure if this is right or not)

Minecraft Missing presents Part 1

I found presents  5,4,8 and 9. Though it was pretty tough, i handled it pretty well (Not really)